Strain Reviews

Monday, 10 March 2014

Bedrocan MMPR Cannabis Review (this review is for

Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:20 PM

Here is a Strain and Licensed Provider Review grabbed from a forum for Bedrocan NL, which is the same product being imported into Canada for our new MMPR Medical Cannabis Program. 

Two Main Varieties are Reviewed here:

Bedrocan Strain Bediol

Bedrocan Strain Bedrocan

"Hello all,
From today, I am gonna test 2 varieties of Bedrocan.
First I did try the Bediol, with the highest CBD%
It taste a litte bit like oranges. Did not get high or stoned, just have painrelieve for about 2 hours.
Than I tested the Bedrocan
This has the highest THC level of the medical cannabis in Holland.
It taste like Lemon Haze, a nice aftertaste and the effect goes straight to my head.
For me this works perfectly directly against my pain.
I have to wait, to know how long this works.

I am starting the day by vaporizing the Bediol again.
After 3 vapes Pain is nearly gone.
Now I am gonna to look for what time this 3 vapes reduce my pain.
My head is clear now. No High, not stoned.
It worked about 2 hours, than I have to vape 3x again.
CBD is realy against pain. Now I know for sure. "